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Open Pores

Open Pores Treatment clinic in near tambaram

open pores treatment by dermatologist in tambaram

Enlarged pores are a common concern for many individuals. These pores become increasingly prominent over time, particularly for those who have experienced acne or blemishes on their skin. When pores are constricted, they reflect light more effectively, contributing to a more youthful and vibrant appearance. Occasionally, sebum produced by the skin can become trapped within the pores, leading to oxidation and a darker skin tone. Factors such as skin type, genetic predisposition, and age can all influence the size of pores.

What happens to pores with age?

Up until the third decade of life, the skin experiences a shedding process approximately every 28 days. During this time, dead skin cells and sebum accumulate within the pores, leading to an expansion of the skin to accommodate this buildup. With regular shedding, the pores remain relatively unobstructed and clean. However, after the third decade, this shedding process begins to decelerate, resulting in the pores retaining more excess material before they eventually clear. Consequently, they appear larger than their actual size. Additionally, the elastin and collagen that provide structural support to the pores gradually diminish over time, causing them to sag and stretch. Chronic and cumulative sun exposure can further accelerate the degradation of elastin and collagen.

Myths and Misconceptions
  • Open Pores Treatment clinic in near tambaramWe can shrink and close open pores
  • Open Pores Treatment clinic in near tambaramSteaming can lessen the open pores
  • Open Pores Treatment clinic in near tambaramHarsh scrubs and physical exfoliation can make the open pores go away!

Why Choose PRIDE GLO for Open Pores consultation ?

The proper functioning of the skin is contingent upon the presence of open, operational pores. While pores are a constant feature, the accumulation of debris within them contributes to their enlarged and prominent appearance. Consequently, the removal of this obstructive debris is essential for achieving healthy-looking skin. A prudent initial step involves the gentle and thorough removal of makeup and dirt. The regular application of biphasic makeup removers is highly advisable. Additionally, weekly exfoliation using a mild chemical exfoliant is crucial. The application of topical tranexamic acid has proven effective in reducing the visibility of open pores. Furthermore, the use of topical retinol night creams aids in maintaining skin firmness and minimizing the prominence of open pores.

Open Pores
Open Pores Treatment clinic in near tambaram
Open Pores Treatment clinic in near tambaram

For addressing the issue of open pores, skin tightening and lifting procedures utilizing Radiofrequency devices are among our preferred methods. The outcomes of these treatments can be enhanced through the use of microplasma radiofrequency, pixel RF, resurfacing peels, fractional CO2 lasers, and fractional picosecond skin toning lasers.

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